Ability Index:
[A] - [B]- [C] - [D] - [E] - [F] - [G] - [H] - [I] - [JK] - [L] - [M] - [N] - [O]
[P] - [Q] - [R] - [S] - [T] - [U] - [V] - [W] - [XYZ]

Ability Appendix

  • Command Based Skill, means a command must be used to active the skill.
  • Active Useage, means the skill must be activated in some form to use it.
  • Passive Ability, means that the skill is always on or always active.
  • Toggle, means that the ability can be turned on or off to function.
  • Performance, active ability activated by the perform command.
  • Cast, Spell, means that the ability is a spell and must be cast.
  • Self Only, meaning that the only target for this spell is the character.
  • DD = Direct Damage, means this is a single target ability which renders damage.
  • Group Only, only those in the casters group are affected.
  • AE = Area of Effect to Room, will affect everyone in the room.
  • Dot = Damage over time, every mud-second damage is dealt to affected person.
  • Buff is a Booster affect rendering something benificial on person affected.
  • Debuff, affect renders something bad upon the recipient affected.
  • Transport, meaning that the ability is used for movement through out the realm.

  • All damage listed is very general, damage varies greatly in game, due to saving throw tables, reductions, gravity, character level etc, therefore actual results will vary. The amount that a skill is trained, has the most impact on a perform or spell, or any damage ability. This list is by no means perfect, if you find something missing, feel free mudmail kyuss, or drop me an email at (kell.sims@gmail.com)