The Cosmic Zodiac of SoulMUD

This calendar covers most holiday dates in game, holiday details are further below. All characters are born with birth sign data. To view this data one would type 'astro'. This will tell you about your character.
Astro Signs

The sign your born under, will allow you to be 'strong' for that time that the zodiac sign of your birth is active. To see which sign is currently active ingame, type 'time'. During the time of the frog, and if your a frog sign, your char will be better off with hps, mana, moves, regens, thacos, damage rolls etc. There are 17 signs total, these are:

Fire: Flame, Dragon, Fire Giant, Phoenx
Earth: Iguana, Frog, Centaur, Bear
Water: Dolphin, Turtle, Shark, Whale
Air: Falcon, Griffon, Bat, Cloud

The 17th sign is chaos, and falls under no sign except its own.

Zodiacal equipment, means that there are some items ingame, which are only fit for a certain zodiac sign to wear, watch out for thee....

More over, every character is born with a specific weapon hurts, this is chosen depending upon which month the character is born under. When this occurs, a player who is born underthis opposing weapon will take 20% extra damage from that specific attack type, be it mob or player.
Players are also born with elemental strength and weaknesses. Weaknesses to a certain elemental will make fighting caster mobiles very tricky. Strengths to certain elemental types, should the character be a mage, will determine what type of avatar elementalist will suit that character best. So a character who is weak to water and strong to earth, would make a lowsy water elementalist, but a great earth elementalist.
A character who is born under the waning of Starfire will do better in the day. While a character who is born under the waning of Oscuros will do better at night.

Holidays, Solstice and Equinox
A tricky thing at best, but holidays, solstice and equinoxs are cool days that the mud will keep track of. Leveling classes is cheaper on these specials days. Rarely These special days will stack, so its possible to have a holiday and a solstice on the same day. This makes leveling really cheaper on these days.

Holidays, solstice and equinoxs also increase a characters hps, mana, moves, as well as all of the characters regens for the holiday only.

Note on holidays. While equinox and solstice days are static, meaning they always occur on that day. There are several types of holidays. Static holidays will always occur on the same day. How ever, some holidays are dynamic, and are based upon the movements of the moon. During the light of the full moon or the night of the new moon of Lunat Zo, these are also holidays, but holidays which will spawn event mobs in game for a short period of time. Travelers should beware when they hear the howl of the werewolves or the chirping of Locusts.