Over the course of moons did Master Gan Anhur Kyuss Onuris polish the clay ball. His hands hardened the clay, taking shape with what would be that which was needed, love, rage, compassion, deep seated loathing, cherrishment immaculant, nurture, berreavement, loss, empty eyes, cheer, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, sight, sound, the beat of an ocean wave; and with each emotion, did the clay harden moreso. So dense did it pack, that its color changed, each level, layer, one powder blue, one lean mean green, neutral grey. The clay understood its nature. How it was shaped to be. In the morning sun it glowed a dark yellow which blossomed white. In the evening shade it pulsed with a radiant black, a gradient of nothingness. Finally on some unspecial evening, the moons eclipsed the sun, and under this abscent lunar light, the clay was bright white, absolute white. With a breathe of saddness did Kyuss release the clay; with a tinge of regret did he allow it float forth from his hands, which were now bathed in the light of the Trinity of Moons. Balance was once again restored. A small illuminated halo of light floated above the luminscent moon, which shrieked off into the heavens, to soar around the once dead planet.

With a shriek of fight and terror, Oscuro the nexus phoenix flew off into the night.

From high above the planet, watching her brother flee into the underground night, away from her light, the soul of Lumina Moon smiled, patiently knowing that Oscuros would die screaming, someday.

Thus did end the Age of Purgatory, as Deadsouls shadowy wings left the light behind, and the darkness of the planets core did shake with fury to contain the rage of Oscuro.

email: kell.sims@gmail.com 11/26/2009