In-Game Evenet Quest Listings....

The event system on SoulMUD: Omega, is pretty nifty. In an essence, events are managed in game by the game itself. As time elapses, events occur on a computerized Schedule. When an event occurs, a new time is picked for the next event to run. Event schedules show up in the 'time' command. Event data may be viewed by the use of the 'event' command. Mobs which normaly are only in games for events, are worth quest points to mortals, should they kill these mobs. Quest mobs come in 2 sizes Solo quest, and group quests. A group which kills a solo quest will not receive any points, how ever, a solo person who could kill a group quest mob would still receive a point for the kill. A group quest mob is exteremely nasty, and most likely will require a group to slay the beast. Overall, some event mobs will de-spawn, once their timer runs out and the quest expires. How ever, group quest mobs do not suffer this, and will remain ingame until the foul-beast has been slain. Solo quest mobs generally only stay in game for 20 minutes before despawning.

Events come in two types of nature, cosmic and time based. Cosmic events, deal mainly with planetary Eclipses, Equinoxs and Solstices, as well as Holidays. These types of events will differ from time based (event though planetary time is equal to that of a time based event). Planetary data may be viewed by using the 'planet' command.

New moon event: The Night of the Fire-Nugs. An invasion of Locusts infest the planet.

Full moon event: The Doors of the Dark. 42 doorways open randomly across the world Each of these doorways enters into its own alternate doorway. Doorways expire after they have been entered more then 4-5 times, and expire when their timer runs out. (currently inactive)

Full moon event: Werewolves have been known to emerge into the world under the moons light

Depending upon which planets eclipse each other, brings out a series of changes in world. Eclipses mainly 'spook' mobs, and change the emotions of the mobs upon the mud world. While adventuring during an eclipse, players should be, very, very wary. Eclipses come as seen, and unseen, depending upon location of planets during the eclipses Time. There are both Lunar and Solar eclipses. There are some 30 types of Eclipses which may occur at any time. Planet data is shown via the planet command.

Time Phases and Time Warps
When Darkstar Oscuro took flight from Starfire, the events in the Tower at the Center of Time unstabilized time itself. Now, should a phase, or warp occur, these series of events will unfold a change in time (hours, minutes and sometimes day), can all-together dissapear like they never existed in the 1st place. Time phases and warps also change global mob emotions. During a time phase or warp, global updates do not function for that short period of non-time. Other odd things may occur during these periods of non-time. Some scholars repute, that during phases and warps, time elementals, clock-work golems, and other such monstrositys have been known to appear. Should one encounter one of these fleeing would offer the best course of action.

Occasionaly, time itself will stop. This will happen for a period of time, (or non-time) During this non-time, time does not update, planets do not spin. No one regenerates. Players and mobs may still move around. How ever, one should tread carefully during this time, as death is much easier to happen. Areas do not reset, spell affects do not count down. Nothing actually happens. Some classes have the ability to do this on their own. There is also a perk spellbook which contains the ways and means for a player to continue to regen during a time stop.

Timered Events Timered events, occur on their own schedule, and have a wide, wide range of affects.

Natural Disasters Nature is an unstable and unpredictable creature. Events are proof of this.

Floods: Outdoor zones become flooded. Sometimes water elementals have been known to appear and harass weary and unwary adventures. Should a person encounter a flooded zone, they must either hold their breath, be able to water breath or will most likely die.

Earthquakes: When this happens, a powerful earthquake will rock the entire planet. This in turn opens up cracks within the earth. Sometimes creatures have been known to crawl up out of these cracks in the earth. These creatures are not nice. Sometimes, un-wary travelers may fall down into the depths of these zones, and end up in a different zone. The zone one may fall down to are random. Should one fall down one of these holes, one should be prepared to recall or join the Legions of Hell.

Firequakes: About like an earthquake, excecpt the rooms not only have cracks in the room which a character may fall down, but will also have lava and fire in the room, which will burn the character for damage. So a firequake is quite more deadly then an earthquake, how ever, these occur with far-less frequency then earthquakes.

Volcanos: Volcanic activity reaches its peak, and sends bursts of lava up onto the world and its zones. Lava can burn a character to death very quickly, so tread softly around such volcanic activity. Often times, fire elementals have been seen during these events

Plague: When a plague is unleashed, many foul beasts rise and over run the realm. Also during this time, pockets of poison gases are often reported by weary travellers

Famine: During a magical famine, eating becomes quite useless...

Drought: During a magical drought, drinking becomes difficult...

Blizzard: Often times, the storms of nature, can reach a point of ferosity Blizzards are no expection, these cold storms decoarate the planets surface, with bitter cold. Scholars repute, that during these storms, which can cause much cold damage to players, will sometimes bring out swarms of air, cold and ice elementals

Ice Age: One of the rarer events, an ice age, is a brutal event. During which time the surface of the world is coated by huge cold storms. Should a mobile or player become entrapped within a room with such a storm, the player or mobile will become encased in ice for a short time. Fear not, though sayeth the scholars, as ice ages are not known to be lethal, just time consuming and annoying. Currently inactive, due to player aggrivation.

Falling Stars: This event, is seen occasionaly. Sometimes a star will fall to the planets surface. This event will vary though. Sometimes, the star will turn into a breach of supremely hazzardous gas, which can kill off entire zones of people and mobiles. Sometimes, there are eggs inside the star, which may hatch into a variety of locusts. Bewarned, some of these locusts are very, very, very, not, nice. Very rarely, the stars which fall down, are just stars, and may be picked up by players. These stars, which are the rarest, are components for a forgable object

Curruption of Magic: During this event, the weave of magic is unstable and unusable. So for this period of time, no spells or performances will work what so ever.

Curruption of Healing: Healing spells are unstable and unuseable during this time

Curruption of Melee: Physical weapon strikes (combat rounds), do not work for duration.

Experience Shift: During this event, experience caps are doubled for the duration

Assorted Evenets, non-natural disasters.
Realm of the Un-dieing: During this event. Any mob that is killed, will rise again from the dead on the next tick. Mobs which suffer this undeath, gain an increased hit points (25% gain), and hitroll (25% gain). As well as become heal-hurts, and tend to become aggressive if they are not. Mobs which suffer undeath are also set to perma pissed off or berserk mode for their emotions.

Wealth of the Land: When this event runs, all gold upon mobs becomes double.

Night of Terror: During this event, 60% of mobs will have their emotions changed This event will also drop Xerxes the Dracolich, into one of the towns in the realm Xerxes is a group quest mob, and is unfriendly. She will not de-spawn and must be slain.

The Three Fates: Generosity Neutral: Nothing happens, normalcy... Generosity Bad: No mob which repops, or spawns, will have items during this event. Sometimes, the mud will eat items which mobs carry during this event also Generosity Good: During this time, mobs which repop, or spawn, will have an increased chance to pop and or load equipment. Mobs have also been known to have more gold.

Universal Mob Health: A nasty event. When this event runs, all mobs health doubles When this event ends, the mob health does not go away. So if a mob had 100,000 hps, it would then have 200,000. Should the mud stay up for an extended period of time, and this Event run multiple times. The mobs will continue to grow. How ever, since, experience is tallied at the time of mob death, this means that the exp values also go up. This event generally only affects 10-15 zones at a time.

Dragon Flight, Dragon Fear: Dragons of the realm, scatter to the winds, and can end up in nearly any zone. This in turn scares the mobs on the mud who arent dragons During this time, dragons are all aggressive as well. Not a time for exporation. It has also been rumored that dragons will invade towns during this time.

Grail Legend: A mobile someplace in game, has found the Holy Grail. Should someone happen to find the object, they should count them selves quite lucky.

Mysteries of the Demonweb Vault: Should one find the key to Lolths Vault in game, one should be quite lucky, for it can contain a number of things for the finder.

Night of the Long Knives: The realm is infested with assassins. Survival is unsure.

Blood Moon on the Rise: The realm is infested with a variety of nasty blood elves.

Warring Guilds: The bandit guilds have errupted into a fight as to who shall rule over the bandit guilds. During this time, the realms are infested with 2 tribes of bandits. How ever, also during this time, it is treated as a chaos, in that all guilds are at war with each other, and players may freely slay any player.

Death Comes to Town: The Grim Reaper, appears in one random town ingame. He will not despawn. He is a nasty group quest mob.

Extinction: A large asteroid strikes the planet. The gods protect the mortals, how ever approximately 95% of the mobs on the mud will not survive. This one is sorta laggy, but its extracting about 5000 mobs in about 2 seconds time.

As more events are added, the data will be placed here. Currently unworking quests include: Demonweb vault, 1 part of the falling stars. doors of the dark. Grail legend works sometimes...

NPC IN-GAME Quest Listings....

To find out about a quest, type talk in the room of the mob which starts/runs the quest. Talk in Shaggy's room would give you info on the kobold eat quest. Mobs can have multi quests involved. Some items for quests load 1 in X on mobs, some items appear on the mobs when you do something in line. Some mobs appear in certain rooms holding certain items on a given thing. Most quests involve the give command. So give gimet demogorgon would make a mithril dragon appear in demogorgons room, wearing a full suit of mithril armor. Some quests involve small quest areas, which have fake rooms and no exit rooms or house 20 different keys. Some quests ential forging, brewing, jewelcrafting or inscribing items to continue the quest, some quests goto the extreme, and require 1 of all 4 crafts in one quest.. Quests are added on a regular basis. This page will be updated when quests go in. Prizes for quests vary by the quest. Items will be given for completion sometimes, hard quests will earn quest points. Exp and gold are always given.

Ingame Quests

Chicken Feather, Trent, levels 1-13 any.
Kobold Ears, Shaggy, levels 1-20 any.
Tasloi Fingers, Marana, levels 8-20 any.
Orc Scalp, Jeremy, levels 10-36 any.
Goblin Picks, Samir, levels 12-24 any.
Edwards Blades, Edward, levels warrior any 12-25.
Imp Skulls, Kitanya, levels 14-31 any.
Mummy Armor, Sabin, levels cleric 20-30.
Aurumvorax Hide, Maynard, levels 24-36 any.
ElSol's Soul, Elsol, levels 25+
Yule's Jewels. (3)
-Emerald, Yule, levels 27+,
-Ruby, Yule, levels 31+
-Sapphire, Yule, levels 32+,
Grals Letter, Gral, levels mage 31-40, includes tards.
Imp Relic, Imp Sage, levels mage 31-40 mage, includes tards.
Lost Page, Geber, 34-40 any.
Relic of Protection, Mayor Drexel, 25-40. Very long & difficult.
Rockers Wanted Note, Rockerfellow, 35-40 war any, includes tards.
Rockers Lost Harmonica, Rockerfellow, 36 war any, includes tards.
Wolverine claw, Nurse ratchet, levels 38+ any.
Diamond Bracer, Geber, 3x40+, any.

Creators of the Realm also have the power to activate a number of these events, and many more.

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