"Thats not Lag, thats the matrix changing." -ME, during a farm fest in HellGate London.

Lag (a.k.a: the Lagmonster.)

Lag is alot of things, sometimes server related, sometimes connection, firewall related.

The box is not much by todays standards. The code of the MUD is rather beefy, to say the least. Now most of the time she will run fine and dandy. Sometimes, in large zones, with alot of resets and mobs, will bottleneck the parser. This can happen for any number of reasons.

Mainly the reason deals with events. Sure one pass through the entire world zone in a loop is ok, sometimes multi-pass loops get out of hand, quickly, when dealing with lots of little things. Extinction comes to mind (extinction is an event, which obliterates entire zones.)

The lag when a hefty event runs isnt the program dieing, or your internet connect on the loop, or the muds inet connect, its just pure useage. Ive tried to cut back on alot of what gets used loop wise, like everything, could use a bit of refinement. Until then, it wont lag often, but it will lag sometimes. Sorry for when it does.

Diku mud's werent meant for 600,000 lines of spaghetti code and the server is NOT all that great as far as servers go.

Debug mode - If the mud stops responding. Its almost always a crash and the backtrace is showing. The mud is originally meant to run everything inside one original loop. Now days sub processes inside various loops can over lay. This is my fault for having coded it the way it is. If it hangs, it just means Im fixing something. If the mud crashes and its not in debug mode, you will be kicked and the mud will reboot in about 2 minutes.